
3.11.5 Grade Codes on Transcripts

The following codes are used on student transcripts:

* RHSC Course. RHSC courses (formally CPC) are taken to meet deficiencies in high school credit. College credit is not awarded for completion of the course(s). These courses must not be used towards degree requirements. No grade below a C satisfies RHSC deficiencies.

# Academic Renewal (AR). Student has officially been granted academic renewal. Only courses with grades of A, B, C, or S retain earned hours, and only these courses may be used towards degree requirements. US/GA history/constitution requirements met prior to receiving academic renewal remain satisfied even though these requirements may not be included in AR credit.

@ Post Secondary Option. Joint-Enrolled courses are college courses taken prior to high school graduation. College credit is awarded for these courses.

% Learning Support. Learning Support course(s) are not counted in the overall hours/GPA and must not be used towards degree requirements.

^ Undergraduate course taken by a Graduate Student. Graduate students may enroll in undergraduate courses in a term, but these courses do not count in the student’s grade point average (GPA) or towards their degree requirements.

$ Course taken at a prior college, but no transfer credit given. These courses are taken at a prior college, but do not transfer to 51勛圖厙. These courses must not be used towards degree requirements.