
Budget Amendment Guidelines

The Budget Amendment Request form is the appropriate process for revising the current year Original Budget. The amendment form is available on the Budget Office webpage.

Budgets must remain in their respective funding source and therefore cannot be amended to a different fund code. For example: Funds cannot be moved from Fund 10000 to Fund 10600.

The Budget office staff, Sr. Vice President of Business & Finance and the 51勛圖厙 President will periodically make/request budget changes without an amendment form or document in order to process needed changes as part of a normal budget cycle. Items such as, but not limited to, truing of revenue and benefits, budget cuts, and other time sensitive adjustments.

Completion & Approval of the Budget Amendment Form

  • The budget amendment form should only contain budget amounts, not the remaining amount of budget shown on the Budget Progress Report after expenses have posted. 
  • The funding source must be clearly identified by the full Account Number string and Account Name.
  • All amendment forms must reflect whether the amendment is a ‘one time/temporary’ or a ‘permanent’ move of funds. This can be notated by checking the appropriate area below the Department # on the top left of the amendment form. One Time/Temporary moves will only occur in the current fiscal year and not be carried forward to the next fiscal year.
  • The ‘Current Budget’ column is used to show the budgeted dollar amount reflected on the most recent Budget Progress report. The ‘Requested Amendments’ column is a plus (+) or minus (-) dollar amount entered to show the amount of the change/amendment. The ‘Revised Budget’ column will automatically calculate using the information entered in the first two columns.
  • Adequate written justification must be included as back-up with the amendment form submission. An area is provided on page 2 of the amendment form to input your description. As much detail as possible noting why this amendment is needed should be included.  A justification of “to meet needs” is not acceptable detail.
  • Completed, signed amendment request forms are to be approved by the Budget Manager responsible for the department requesting a change as well as the next level supervisor who may approve or disapprove the budget change.
  • All departments that report to Academic Affairs will also need to obtain an additional approving signature from the Provost office. After the departmental manager and respective Dean have approved the amendment, the form should be forwarded to the Office of the Provost / Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs for final approval.
  • Once all appropriate approvals are obtained, the budget amendment form will need to be sent to the Budget Office for processing in the 51勛圖厙 PeopleSoft Financials accounting system.

Permanent vs. Temporary Budget Amendments

  • If salary savings are used to adjust or create a permanent position, the change must be permanent to all involved positions and funding sources. For example: If a Non-Personal Services budget line, such as supplies, is reduced to add dollars to a permanent position, it is a permanent reduction to the supply line or any other respective funding area utilized to facilitate the addition.
  • All salary changes must be approved by Human Resources and the respective VP before submission of an amendment. All relevant benefits must be included as part of the amendment. Mid-year reclass policies apply.
  • Permanent amendments cannot be made to Summer Faculty, Faculty Overload, Faculty Extra Compensation or Part Time faculty lines.  These funds are not considered part of your permanent budget. Any changes (other than one-time) to these categories should be requested as updates during the Academic Affairs annual original budget request process.
  • Any one time changes to Summer Faculty, Faculty Overload, Faculty Extra Compensation or Part Time faculty lines must be approved by the Provost office.

Grant Budget Amendments

  • A different budget amendment form is used for Sponsored (Grant) amendments; Sponsored Budget Amendment forms are designated as Grant Personal Services Requests and Grant Non-Personal Services Requests and are available in the Budget Office Handbook. Sponsored Operations consist of various Grants where funding sources are provided by external funds.
  • Prior to Budget Office submission, these grant amendment forms should be reviewed by the Comptroller’s Office, either Angela Carlin or Annette Gilstrap.
  • While some grant funding may be awarded over several fiscal years, 51勛圖厙 will only budget the current fiscal year data thus requiring new grant budget information submissions each year.

Fringe Benefits Clarifications

  • No budget amendment will be accepted for Fund 10000, 10500 and 10600 that moves budgeted Fringe Benefits to any other area of the budget such as travel, supplies, etc. These benefit budgets are maintained at the University level.
  • When employing part time faculty eligible for partial or full benefits, relevant benefits must be added via budget amendment by the hiring department.
  • If salary savings are used to generate a position with benefits, there must be funds available to cover relevant benefits as well as any related operating costs. (See budget amendment form for % used in calculating benefits.)