
Joe Badgett

Graduate Student

Concerned about getting admitted into graduate school and securing an assistantship? Learn from Joe Badgett’s success story…

What did you do while in college to prepare you for graduate school, or to make yourself more marketable?

I made a point to network with industry professionals, including many working artists and filmmakers within my undergraduate program. You never know how a positive impression could open doors for you down the road.

I also worked in Atlanta and around Georgia on film projects whenever possible. All the other jobs I’ve had have helped to sharpen my leadership, communication, and organizational skills, and to make me more marketable for my assistantship applications.

Also, take advantage of the resources at your disposal – especially career services – when it comes time to write cover letters, resumes, statements of purpose, and other application-related documents.

How did you hear about your graduate program and assistantship?

I actually heard about University of Alabama’s program from a coworker at a warehouse job I had last summer. That just serves as an example of how important it is to always be open to ideas for your future – even in places you would never have thought of as possibilities.

What advice would you like to give to current students to help prepare them for careers and/or the job search after college?

Whether you’re going on to graduate school or straight into the working world, be constantly mindful of the relationships you are fostering with professors and with the working professionals you meet. At the end of the day, the connections you make can be just as important as the elements of your portfolio.

When it comes to applying to graduate school, this is especially true. Try to make connections with professors in your prospective schools. That can make a huge difference in your application’s success.

Joe Badgett profile
Graduate School: University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Graduate Program: Master of Arts in Telecommunications and Film - Documentary Filmmaking and Screenwriting Focus