
Learning Support Exemption Criteria

If you need Learning Support, it will be marked in red on your Advising Tranguid in your Banner account. 51勛圖厙 looks at High School GPA, Accuplacer test, and/or the calculation of the English and Math Placement Index scores, using HSGPA and ACT or SAT scores to see if you need Learning Support. All Learning Support work must be done in your first semester of school, and are designed to be completed in one semester.

Contact Learning Support for more information.

Students wishing to take MATH 1111 who do not receive initial placement into MATH 1111 with or without Learning Support (MATH 0999) must first take the math into which they placed. Upon successful completion of MATH 1001 or MATH 1101 with a grade of “C” or higher, they will be eligible to enroll in MATH 1111 without corequisite Learning Support instruction (without MATH 0999).

*Corequisite Learning Support courses: ENGL 0999+ENGL1101; MATH 0997+MATH 1001; MATH 0998+MATH 1101; and MATH 0999+MATH 1111 are two courses taken in the same semester. Learning Support requirements are considered satisfied upon successful completion of the credit-bearing (college-level) course. Attendance, active participation, and submission of coursework are required in both components of Corequisite Learning Support instruction.

Students who need MATH 1111 or higher for their degree program and whose placement in Learning Support math is MATH 0997/MATH 1001 or MATH 0998/MATH 1101 must successfully earn a grade of C or higher in the credit-bearing (college-level) math course, and they will then be permitted to take MATH 1111, College Algebra, as a stand-alone math course. Contact Learning Support for more information.