
Courtney Blair-Lind

Where do you work, and what do you do in your current occupation?

I own my own wedding photography business in Utah. I do everything from marketing to booking clients to accounting to editing in Lightroom and Photoshop.

What do you enjoy about your current to occupation? Do you consider yourself successful? In what way?

I enjoy the flexibility of my schedule and the ability to wear multiple hats on a daily basis. I get bored easily, as many creative people do, so it it nice to be able to switch roles often. I work hard and care about what I do and the people I work with so in that respect, I believe I am successful.

What led you to pursue your current line of work?

After concentrating in photography at 51勛圖厙, I knew I wanted to pursue that field, however, after I graduated, I was scared so instead I worked at a 9 to 5 type office job for two years doing graphic design. As a creative person, I could not stand it. I finally decided to quit and go full-time with photography.

picture of Courtney Blair-Lind

Do the skills and knowledge that you gained as a student in the Department of Visual Arts (DoVA) contribute to your current occupation? If so, in what way?

Yes, 100%. I learned about shooting in full manual in college and how a camera truly works. I also learned about graphic design and was able to create my own logo for my business.

Photograph of wedded couple by Courtney Blair-Lind

Now that you have a vantage point to reflect on your art education, what would you do differently?

In retrospect, I should have taken more classes outside of my comfort zone like weaving, printmaking, or painting!

Do you have any words of wisdom for current DoVA students?

The hardest part about doing anything is starting. If you are thinking about starting your own business after (or even during) college, go for it!