
1.2 51勛圖厙 Block Sampler

Below you will find samples of most of the blocks that can be added to our webpages. If you know what something looks like, but don't know its name, this is the place to start. Click on an image to go to the page with more information on that block.

Basic Text Block: Basic Content

Text Block - Type 1 - Basic Content

Basic Text Block: Boxed

Text Block - Type 2 - Boxed Text

Basic Text Block: Bkgd Color

Text Block - Type 3 - Background Color

Basic Text Block: Important

Text Block - Type 4 - Important

Links - Proof Points or CTA: Large Proof Points, with intro text

Links - Proof Points Large with Intro Text - Sample Block

Links - Proof Points or CTA: Small Proof Points, with intro text

Links - Proof Points Small with Intro Text - Sample Block

Links - Proof Points or CTA: Large Proof Points, no intro text

Links - Proof Points Large with  no Intro Text - Sample Block

Links - Proof Points or CTA: Small Proof Points, no intro text

Links - Proof Points Small with No Intro Text - Sample Block

Links - Proof Points or CTA: CTA Buttons with Intro

Call to Action links with Intro - Block Sample

Links - Proof Points or CTA: CTA Buttons no intro

Call to Action links with no Intro - Block Sample

Links - Proof Points or CTA: CTA Links

Call to Action links with no Intro - Block Sample

Links - Featured or Related: Featured

Featured Links Block Sample

Links - Featured or Related: Related, with Bkgd Color

Related Links Block Sample

Links - Featured or Related: Related, without Bkgd Color

Image: Image, No Caption

Image - no caption - block sample

Image: Image, with Overlay

Image -Overlay - block sample

Image: Image, Caption with Bkgd Color

Image - caption and background color - block sample

Image: Image, with Caption

Image -caption - no background color - block sample

Image: Image with Title and Text

Tabs or Expandables: Tabs, Light

Light Tabs - block example

Tabs or Expandables: Tabs, Dark

Light Tabs - block example

Tabs or Expandables: Tabs, Blue-Gold

Blue/Gold Tabs - block example

Tabs or Expandables: Tabs, White

Tabs or Expandables: Expandables, H2 Header

H2 Expandable

Tabs or Expandables: Expandables, H3 Header

H3 Expandable

Tabs or Expandables: Expandables, H4 Header

H4 Expandable

Tabs or Expandables: Expandables, Gray

Gray Expandable

Tabs or Expandables: Expandables, White

White Expandable

Tabs - Large: Blank Tabs

Blank Tabs - block sample

Tabs - Large: Step Tabs

Step Tabs - block sample

Embed - Video: Video Only

Video only - block sample

Embed - Video: Video with Caption

Video with caption - block sample

Embed - Video: Video with Caption and Bkgd Color

Video with caption and background - block sample

Feed - Events: Events Single Feed, Date on Left

Events Single Feed - Date on left option - block sample

Feed - Events: Events Single Feed, Vertical Listing

Events Single Feed - vertical option - block sample

Feed - Events: Events Multiple Feeds

Events Multiple Feed  - block sample

Feed - Faculty-Staff: Default

Facult Staff  Default Listing - block sample

Feed - Faculty-Staff: Directory

Facult Staff  Directory Listing - block sample

Feed - News: Display Images, Alignment - Above

News with images - block sample

Feed - News: No Images

News without images - block sample

Feed - News: Display Images, Alignment - Left

Feed - Social: Facebook, Cover, Faces and Posts

Feed Social, Facebook , All Options - block sample

Feed - Social: Facebook, Cover and Faces

Feed Social, Facebook , Cover and Faces only - block sample

Feed - Social: Facebook, Cover

Feed Social, Facebook Cover only - block sample

Feed - Social: Facebook, Cover and Posts

Feed Social, Facebook , cover and posts only - block sample

Feed - Social: Facebook, Faces and Posts

Feed Social, Facebook , faces and posts only - block sample

Feed - Social: Facebook, Faces

Feed Social, Facebook , faces only - block sample

Feed - Social: Facebook, Plain

Feed Social, Facebook , plain - block sample

Feed - Social: Facebook, Posts

Feed Social, Facebook , posts only - block sample

Feed - Social: Twitter

Feed Social, Twitter - block sample

Feed - RSS: with Summary

RSS Feed - with summary - Block Sample

Feed - RSS: with Summary, without date

RSS Feed - with summary, no date - Block Sample

Feed - RSS: without Summary

RSS Feed - no summary - Block Sample

Feed - RSS: without Summary and without Date

RSS Feed - no summary or date - Block Sample

Feed - RSS: with Image

Feed - RSS: with Image, without date

Feed - RSS: Featured Feed

RSS Feed - Featured Feed - Block Sample

Can be used with any RSS feed.

Feed - Degrees: Simple Degree Listing

Simple Degree Listing - Block Sample

Feed - Degrees: Areas of Study Listing

Degree Listing grouped by areas of study - Block Sample

Feed - Course Listing

Social Bar