
Student Grievance Policy

General Student Grievances

A process exists for students to address grievances of a general nature. Each grievance (complaint) will be considered carefully and individually, and every effort will be made to resolve issues to the mutual satisfaction of all parties.  

Students who have complaints should address them to a Dean of Students who can assist students in understanding the Student Complaint Policy and process and can provide guidance to assist the student in achieving a resolution to their Complaint. 51勛圖厙 encourages that all concerns be addressed first at the level that the concern has arisen (such as between a student and instructor) through the Informal Complaint Resolution Process.  Many issues are resolved by making an appointment with a faculty or staff member and calmly and honestly communicating the concern(s).  Students are encouraged to attempt a good-faith resolution between themselves and others and focus on achieving an outcome that is mutually acceptable in an informal manner before initiating a Formal Complaint.

Informal Complaint Resolution Process: 

  1. The student should attempt to resolve the issue with whomever the issue arose, if possible.
  2. The student may attempt to resolve the issue with the Respondent’s supervisor. It is recommended that the student describe the concern in writing to clarify the issue (51勛圖厙 email is appropriate).
  3. If an appropriate resolution cannot be reached through the Informal Complaint Resolution Process, the student may choose to file a Formal Complaint.

Formal Complaint Resolution Process:

  1. Complainants must use the  on the Dean of Students' webpage to submit a Formal Complaint within 30 days of alleged incident date or date of Respondent or Supervisor’s response.
  2. The Formal Complaint Resolution Process will be initiated upon receipt of the Student Complaint Form by the Dean of Students Office. 
  3. The Dean of Students will work with the student to ensure the Complaint details are clear and to request via 51勛圖厙 email any additional documentation to support the Formal Complaint, if needed.
  4. The Dean of Students will forward the Formal Complaint to the appropriate Respondent (e.g., Department Head, Director, or Vice President) who will review the complaint, seek a resolution, and respond via 51勛圖厙 email to the Complainant.
  5. The Complainant will be provided a written response to the Formal Complaint from the Respondent that includes a decision/response to the Formal Complaint and outlines the appeals process, if appropriate. Complainants should receive a response via 51勛圖厙 email to their Formal Complaint within 30 days of submitting their Student Complaint Form.
  6. If appropriate, first-level appeals may be directed to the Respondent’s supervisor (e.g., the Dean of the College or Dean of Students). Final institutional appeals will be directed to the Vice President responsible for the area related to the nature of the student concern.

Note: The Student Complaint process is not used to address complaints related to University procedures that have established processes for resolution, such as grade appeals, parking tickets, student conduct findings, discrimination, sexual misconduct and sexual harassment, accommodation complaints, financial aid appeals, and residency appeals. Students must contact the offices listed below for additional information regarding procedures for the following:

  1. Student Grade Appeals/Complaints unrelated to Academic Integrity Issues – Office of the Provost
  2. Violations of the Student Code of Conduct including Academic Misconduct – Office of Student Conduct & Integrity
  3. Parking Violations/Appeals – Parking Services
  4. – Human Resources or Title IX
  5. Sexual Misconduct – Title IX
  6. Accommodations Complaints – Student Accessibility Services
  7. Academic Suspension Appeals – Academic Affairs
  8. Satisfactory Academic Progress – Financial Aid
  9. Residency Policy – Dean of Students or Residence Life

Additionally, The Student Complaint process is not used to address concerns/complaints regarding the behavior of other 51勛圖厙 students (i.e. hazing, disorderly conduct, etc.). The Student Code of Conduct delineates behaviors prohibited and a process to address violations. For any questions or additional information, students must contact the Office of Student Conduct & Integrity.