
Submission Process

Submission Timeline

  1. Now4+ Weeks Before Deadline

    Start working with OSP as soon as possible - at least four weeks before the deadline - to allow time for basic review and budget development - additional time will be necessary if you also require OSP's editing services

  2. 2 Weeks Before Deadline

    A near-final draft of the proposal narrative and final budget and budget justification must be complete at least 10 business days before the deadline to start routing for internal approvals

  3. 2 Days Before Deadline

    Final reviewed and approved proposal documents should be complete at least two days before the deadline so OSP can assemble the application and avoid technical delays

Proposal Review

Proposals for any kind of externally funded grant, contract, or cooperative agreement must be reviewed by the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) before submission to the sponsor, no matter the award source or amount. This includes awards to individuals where funds will be funneled through the university. When in doubt, please email grants@ung.edu.

During proposal review, a grant specialist will work with you to confirm your proposal follows all sponsor guidelines, as well as adheres to applicable university, state, federal, and sponsor regulations.

Internal Approvals

Before OSP can submit your proposal, the proposal narrative and budget must be routed through 51³Ô¹ÏÍø’s internal approval process. This ensures your project is responsive to the University’s mission, has the necessary support, and that there are no disputes post-award, protecting both the Principal Investigator (PI) and academic units involved. Your grant specialist will fill out a Grant Proposal Approval Form and circulate it for review and approval by the following people:

  • Principal and Co-Principal Investigators
  • PI's Department Head(s)/Supervisor(s)
  • PI's Dean(s)/Director(s)
  • Chief Research Officer
  • Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and/or other Vice Presidents
  • Senior Vice President for Business & Finance

If faculty or staff from more than one unit are participating in the project, their respective department heads/supervisors and deans/directors must sign the form as well.

Proposal Submission

Sponsors generally require proposals to be submitted by authorized representatives of an institution, not the PI. Your grant specialist will work with you to determine the correct submission method and, unless instructed otherwise by the sponsor, will assemble the application and submit it on your behalf.

OSP also maintains institutional registrations/accounts that are required for sponsors' online application systems. This includes federal systems such as grants.gov, as well as agency-specific sites (e.g., NSF's research.gov) and non-profit systems. We also assist PIs with any individual account registrations required for submission. Please contact your grant specialist for assistance with these accounts.

After Submission

The proposal review process can take as long as six months to a year, but there are plenty of things to keep a PI busy while waiting for an award notice: